Every time you go away

Venus in flowing aspect (sextile, trine) to other person's Uranus

This aspect is a supportive one. Life is naturally exciting when you are with each other. You share some perhaps unusual interests, and you are usually accepting of one another's social life, tastes, and hobbies. There may be something pleasingly unconventional about your set-up. Love doesn't easily become routine for the two of you. The Venus person is romantically drawn to the Uranus person's more unusual and unique qualities. The Uranus person feels appreciated and finds the Venus person particularly charming and attractive. This interchart aspect also encourages creative expression in both partners.
Additional Interpretations:

^All Venus-Uranus aspects: You were attracted immediately. There was something unique about each other that caught your attention. You sensed a special insight into your deepest-felt values and this inspired in you feelings of warmth. You may share unusual or advanced interests.

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